Egypt's geographical location lends an important aspect to the maritime transport sector. Overlooking both the Mediterranean and Red seas linked by the Suez Canal; Egypt realized its role at an international level. The government overplayed the infra structure of a great maritime industry by building ports and supplying them with high tech. equipments to handle cargoes and passengers. Among the most important ports are Alexandria which is the biggest port in Egypt, Dekheila Port which is a natural extend to Alexandria Port. Damietta Port which has the largest container terminal and most sophisticated equipments in the Middle East, and ports Said and Suez at both ends of the Suez canal. It is historically recorded in 1874 B.C., Egypt was the first country to dig a man-made canal across its lands to link the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea via the Nile River and its branches. That Canal was abandoned and reopened several times then later named "The Suez canal". It was opened for international navigation on 17 November 1869 A.D.
Port Description
Dekheila port is a natural extension to Alexandria Port due to the increasing volume of container movement in Alexandria as well as increased growth of population, increased industrial development, and free zones in Alexandria’s west Delta. The site was chosen for many economical and geographical reasons, mainly; 1) It’s gulf shape and depth will decrease purification costs. 2) The area is semi-sandy saving money for buildings and rubble. 3) The extended area is enough for future projects. 4) Ability to link the site with national roads and railways. 5) Site is near to important amenities such as El Dekheila Iron & Steele, free zones and electrical generating project, thus saving transportation costs for materials.
Approach area
Navigational channels: they are 1.5 miles long, 25 meters wide, 24 meters deep. Rotation Circle: can be found in front of berths and for maneuvers. Its diameter is 750 meters with a depth of 20 metersPort Dues
1- Port Dues | = GRT X 0.25 | USD |
2- Light Dues | = GRT X 0.1 | USD |
3- Berthing Dues | = GRT X 0.0125 X No. of Days | USD |
4- TUGs | = 250 per TUG | USD |
Number of TUGs used depends on vessel's length over all as follows:
L.O.A | No. of Tugs |
Less than 275 ft | Nill |
275 ft - 399 ft | 1 |
@400 ft - and up | 2 |
5- Pilotage Dues from the outer anchorage to the berth or vice versa as per the following table:
a) From outer anchorage to the berth or vice versa:
Vessel's GRT | USD |
UP TO 999 | 90 |
1000 – 4999 | 150 |
5000 – 9999 | 209 |
10000 – 19999 | 294 |
20000 – 29999 | 387 |
30000 – 39999 | 514 |
40000 – 49999 | 578 |
50000 – 59999 | 610 |
60000 AND UP | 717 |
b) Outside Sea pilot:
Vessel's GRT | USD |
UP TO 999 | 50 |
1000 – 4999 | 98 |
5000 – 9999 | 131 |
10000 – 19999 | 196 |
20000 – 29999 | 271 |
30000 – 39999 | 343 |
40000 – 49999 | 363 |
50000 – 59999 | 370 |
60000 AND UP | 437 |
C) Inside port and basins:
Vessel's GRT | USD |
UP TO 999 | 40 |
1000 – 4999 | 52 |
5000 – 9999 | 78 |
10000 – 19999 | 98 |
20000 – 29999 | 116 |
30000 – 39999 | 170 |
40000 – 49999 | 215 |
50000 – 59999 | 240 |
60000 AND UP | 280 |
- 50% to be added to the above rates in case of working during night time/holiday
6- Mooring and Unmooring as per the following table:
Vessel's GRT | USD |
300-999 | 20 |
1000-3999 | 30 |
4000-8999 | 45 |
9000-14999 | 65 |
15000-29999 | 85 |
30000-39999 | 100 |
40000 and up | 120 |
20% to be added to the above rates in case working after office hours and 50 % in case working on Fridays and official holidays.
7- Official Agency Fees
(Payable to Maritime Sector)
A) Basic fees
Up to 3000 | 250.00 |
>3000 up to 5000 | 300.00 |
>5000 up to 10000 | 400.00 |
>10000 up to 20000 | 500.00 |
>20000 up to 40000 | 600.00 |
>40000 for each 10000 | 50.00 |
For Passengers & Cruise ships:
Up to 15000 | 400.00 |
> 15000 | 600.00 |
Other floating units:
- Yachts > 60 m LOA | 90.00 |
- Towage units | 200.00 |
B) Additional fees
The rates indicated in the item (A) are applicable for the first 5 days stay, USD 25.00 will be added per any extra day.
General Conditions
- The Yachts up to 60.00 m LOA to be exempted from the official agency fees
- Rebates of 50% to be granted for Passengers & Cruise ships of LOA>60m.
- The above fees are payable in USD for the foreign vessels.
- The above fees are payable in L.E. for the Egyptian vessels with the rates on the basis of that the USD is equal L.E..
The above items does not include other port Expenses (permit of departure, over time, port police, quarantine, immigration, cleaning,...etc
El Dekheila port Authority follows Alexandria port Authority 106 Horreya St., Alexandria, Egypt
Tel :(2 03) 3091858 - 3091852
Fax :(2 03) 3088286
The port of Damietta is about 8.5 km to the west of Damietta branch of River Nile in the Mediterranean sea to the west of Ras El Bar, It is at the distance of 70 km to the west of port Said Port. The construction cover an area of 25 km.
Canal entrance: The canal is 11.3 km long and 300 m wide , this gradually decreases until it reaches 250 m at water break and 15 m depth. The canal is surrounded by 18 buoys which are lit at night, odd numbers on the right and even numbers on the left, There is an external waiting area.
Water Break: The western waterbreak is 1640 m long, 140 m are in land and 1500 m in the sea. The Eastern waterbreak is 738 long, 200 in land and 538 m in the sea. The waterbreaks are protected from the external side the industrial acrid bocks and they are topped by a cement layer.
Barge channel: It consists of two ports one is 1350 m that links the barges dock to the sea and other is 3750 m that links to the dock to the Nile branch. The area of the barge dock is 250 x 250 m and it is equipped with a berth of 250 m long where water depth is 5 m deep. Diameter of the rotation dock is 500 m and its depth is 14.5 m in front of the containers broth and 12 m in front the general cargo berths
Port dimension: An imaginary line links between the two ends of the external eastern and western break waters
1- Port Dues | |
Total Port Area | 11.8 million m2 |
Total Lenght of Port berths | 6600 m2 |
Total area of Yards and Stores | 1.2 million m2 |
Length of Access Channel | 11.4 KM |
Road Transport Network | 22 KM |
Railway Network | 11 KM |
1- Port Dues | = GRT X 0.25 | USD |
2- Light Dues | = GRT X 0.1 | USD |
3- Berthing Dues | = GRT X 0.0125 X No. of Days | USD |
4- TUGs | = 320 per TUG | USD |
Number of TUGs used depends on vessel's length over all as follows:
L.O.A | No. of Tugs |
Less than 275 ft | Nill |
275 ft - 399 ft | 1 |
400 ft - and up | 2 |
a) From outer anchorage to the berth or vice versa:
Vessel's GRT | USD |
UP TO 999 | 90 |
1000 – 4999 | 150 |
5000 – 9999 | 209 |
10000 – 19999 | 294 |
20000 – 29999 | 387 |
30000 – 39999 | 514 |
40000 – 49999 | 578 |
50000 – 59999 | 610 |
60000 AND UP | 717 |
b) Outside Sea pilot:
Vessel's GRT | USD |
UP TO 999 | 50 |
1000 – 4999 | 98 |
5000 – 9999 | 131 |
10000 – 19999 | 196 |
20000 – 29999 | 271 |
30000 – 39999 | 343 |
40000 – 49999 | 363 |
50000 – 59999 | 370 |
60000 AND UP | 437 |
C) Inside port and basins:
Vessel's GRT | USD |
UP TO 999 | 40 |
1000 – 4999 | 52 |
5000 – 9999 | 78 |
10000 – 19999 | 98 |
20000 – 29999 | 116 |
30000 – 39999 | 170 |
40000 – 49999 | 215 |
50000 – 59999 | 240 |
60000 AND UP | 280 |
- 50% to be added to the above rates in case of working during night time/holiday
Vessel's GRT | USD |
300-999 | 20 |
1000-3999 | 30 |
4000-8999 | 45 |
9000-14999 | 65 |
15000-29999 | 85 |
30000-39999 | 100 |
40000 and up | 120 |
20% to be added to the above rates in case working after office hours and 50 % in case working on Fridays and official holidays.
(Payable to Maritime Sector)
Up to 3000 | 250.00 |
>3000 up to 5000 | 300.00 |
>5000 up to 10000 | 400.00 |
>10000 up to 20000 | 500.00 |
>20000 up to 40000 | 600.00 |
>40000 for each 10000 | 50.00 |
Up to 15000 | 400.00 |
> 15000 | 600.00 |
- Yachts > 60 m LOA | 90.00 |
- Towage units | 200.00 |
The rates indicated in the item (A) are applicable for the first 5 days stay, USD 25.00 will be added per any extra day.
- The Yachts up to 60.00 m LOA to be exempted from the official agency fees
- Rebates of 50% to be granted for Passengers & Cruise ships of LOA>60m.
- The above fees are payable in USD for the foreign vessels.
- The above fees are payable in L.E. for the Egyptian vessels with the rates on the basis of that the USD is equal L.E..
The above items does not include other port Expenses (permit of departure, over time, port police, quarantine, immigration, cleaning,...etc
Port Authority of Damietta , PO Box 13 , Damietta 34511 Egypt
Tel :(2 057) 290940 - 290941 - 290000
Fax :(2 057) 290930 - 290963
The Port Said port lies to the northern entrance of the Suez Canal. It is considered one of the most important Egyptian ports due to its distinctive location on the entrance of the most significant waterway in the world (The Suez Canal) and in the middle of the biggest merchant shipping line between Europe and the east. It is moreover the biggest transit port in the world.
latitude :31 16' N Longitude : 32 19' E VHF : 73, 12, 13, 16
Waterways: 459 feet wide and 12.5 to 13 meters deep.
Water breaks: The Suez Canal entrance leading to the port is protected by two water breaks. The eastern water break is approximately 3.5 miles long while the Western is approximately 1.5 miles long.
1- Port Dues | = GRT X 0.25 | USD |
2- Light Dues | = GRT X 0.1 | USD |
3- Berthing Dues | = GRT X 0.0125 X No. of Days | USD |
4- TUGs | _ | _ |
GRT | One Tug | Two Tug |
Up to 2500 | USD 40 | USD 65 |
Up to 5000 | USD 50 | USD 80 |
Up to 10000 | USD 80 | USD 130 |
Up to 20000 | USD 120 | USD 190 |
Up to 30000 | USD 160 | USD 255 |
Up to 50000 | USD 200 | USD 340 |
Over 50000 | USD 240 | USD 390 |
a) From outer anchorage to the berth or vice versa:
Vessel's GRT | USD |
UP TO 999 | 90 |
1000 – 4999 | 150 |
5000 – 9999 | 209 |
10000 – 19999 | 294 |
20000 – 29999 | 387 |
30000 – 39999 | 514 |
40000 – 49999 | 578 |
50000 – 59999 | 610 |
60000 AND UP | 717 |
b) Outside Sea pilot:
Vessel's GRT | USD |
UP TO 999 | 50 |
1000 – 4999 | 98 |
5000 – 9999 | 131 |
10000 – 19999 | 196 |
20000 – 29999 | 271 |
30000 – 39999 | 343 |
40000 – 49999 | 363 |
50000 – 59999 | 370 |
60000 AND UP | 437 |
C) Inside port and basins:
Vessel's GRT | USD |
UP TO 999 | 40 |
1000 – 4999 | 52 |
5000 – 9999 | 78 |
10000 – 19999 | 98 |
20000 – 29999 | 116 |
30000 – 39999 | 170 |
40000 – 49999 | 215 |
50000 – 59999 | 240 |
60000 AND UP | 280 |
- 50% to be added to the above rates in case of working during night time/holiday
20% to be added to the above rates in case working after office hours and 50 % in case working on Fridays and official holidays.
(Payable to Maritime Sector)
Up to 3000 | 250.00 |
>3000 up to 5000 | 300.00 |
>5000 up to 10000 | 400.00 |
>10000 up to 20000 | 500.00 |
>20000 up to 40000 | 600.00 |
>40000 for each 10000 | 50.00 |
Up to 15000 | 400.00 |
> 15000 | 600.00 |
- Yachts > 60 m LOA | 90.00 |
- Towage units | 200.00 |
The rates indicated in the item (A) are applicable for the first 5 days stay, USD 25.00 will be added per any extra day.
- The Yachts up to 60.00 m LOA to be exempted from the official agency fees
- Rebates of 50% to be granted for Passengers & Cruise ships of LOA>60m.
- The above fees are payable in USD for the foreign vessels.
- The above fees are payable in L.E. for the Egyptian vessels with the rates on the basis of that the USD is equal L.E..
The above items does not include other port Expenses (permit of departure, over time, port police, quarantine, immigration, cleaning,...etc
Port Said Port Authority, Mustaffa Kamel & Azmy st.,
Railway square,Port Said, Egypt.
Tel :(2 066) 3348210 - 3348269
Fax :(2 066) 3348262
Suez port is situated on the southern end of Suez canal, approximately170 km south of Port Said. Latitude:57° 29' N Longitude: 33° 32' E
Ships usually berth in the waiting area. The channel has been shoveled at port El Sakhra El Gadida and coastal pier at relevant depth 11.28 m. Ships, whose draft exceeds 11.28m, can enter the port during the tide only on condition that the draft does not exceed 12.19m
1- Port Dues | = GRT X 0.25 | USD |
2- Light Dues | = GRT X 0.1 | USD |
3- Berthing Dues | = GRT X 0.0125 X No. of Days | USD |
4- TUGs | 275$ per tug / hour for minimum 3 hours Discount of 50% to be granted. |
Number of TUGs used depends on vessel's length over all as follows:
L.O.A | No. of Tugs |
Less than 275 ft | Nill |
275 ft - 399 ft | 1 |
400 ft - and up | 2 |
a) From outer anchorage to the berth or vice versa:
Vessel's GRT | USD |
UP TO 999 | 90 |
1000 – 4999 | 150 |
5000 – 9999 | 209 |
10000 – 19999 | 294 |
20000 – 29999 | 387 |
30000 – 39999 | 514 |
40000 – 49999 | 578 |
50000 – 59999 | 610 |
60000 AND UP | 717 |
b) Outside Sea pilot:
Vessel's GRT | USD |
UP TO 999 | 50 |
1000 – 4999 | 98 |
5000 – 9999 | 131 |
10000 – 19999 | 196 |
20000 – 29999 | 271 |
30000 – 39999 | 343 |
40000 – 49999 | 363 |
50000 – 59999 | 370 |
60000 AND UP | 437 |
C) Inside port and basins:
Vessel's GRT | USD |
UP TO 999 | 40 |
1000 – 4999 | 52 |
5000 – 9999 | 78 |
10000 – 19999 | 98 |
20000 – 29999 | 116 |
30000 – 39999 | 170 |
40000 – 49999 | 215 |
50000 – 59999 | 240 |
60000 AND UP | 280 |
- 50% to be added to the above rates in case of working during night time/holiday
20% to be added to the above rates in case working after office hours and 50 % in case working on Fridays and official holidays.
(Payable to Maritime Sector)
Up to 3000 | 250.00 |
>3000 up to 5000 | 300.00 |
>5000 up to 10000 | 400.00 |
>10000 up to 20000 | 500.00 |
>20000 up to 40000 | 600.00 |
>40000 for each 10000 | 50.00 |
Up to 15000 | 400.00 |
> 15000 | 600.00 |
- Yachts > 60 m LOA | 90.00 |
- Towage units | 200.00 |
The rates indicated in the item (A) are applicable for the first 5 days stay, USD 25.00 will be added per any extra day.
- The Yachts up to 60.00 m LOA to be exempted from the official agency fees
- Rebates of 50% to be granted for Passengers & Cruise ships of LOA>60m.
- The above fees are payable in USD for the foreign vessels.
- The above fees are payable in L.E. for the Egyptian vessels with the rates on the basis of that the USD is equal L.E..
The above items does not include other port Expenses (permit of departure, over time, port police, quarantine, immigration, cleaning,...etc
Director of Suez Port - Bor Tawfik POB 1
Tel :(062) 3220738 - 3331123 - 3331124
Fax :(062) 3331120 - 3331117
It is the port of 21st century. It is considered one of the recent ports that were established by B.O.T system. It is managed via logistic centers. It is regarded as one of the huge national projects. It is also the result of planning, regular executing for an important phase concerning the position of Egypt on the map. It is considered the first comprehensive and multi purpose hub port. It comes under what is called "Third Generation ports" to serve export and import operations of general cargo, bulk and container handling. It is also equipped with ultimate technology.
It is located on the western coast of Suez gulf, on a distance 22.3 km2 and away from Suez city 43 km.
Currently there are two main berths with excellent fenderage, each 750 meters with a cross quay / turning area of 350 meters. The port can facilitate container vessels of over 8.000 TEU and bulk carriers of up to 150.000 dwt. There are no berth congestion, however container vessels have priority. Other vessels will be served on a first arrival basis.
Berth | Type | Draft (m) | Length (m) |
1 | General cargo | 17 | 750 |
2 | General cargo | 17 | 750 |
The present facilities include a container terminal, a fertilizer terminal, a general cargo/Ro-ro terminal and a bulk terminal. Currently there are two main berths with excellent fenderage, each 750 meters with a cross quay / turning area of 350 meters. The port can facilitate container vessels of over 8.000 TEU and bulk carriers of up to 150.000 dwt.
The port has four quay cranes currently used for general cargo and containers. 2 Gottwald an 2 Nelcon of approximately 100 tonnes lifting capacity each.
There are no berth congestion, however container vessels have priority. Other vessels will be served on a first arrival basis.
For more details: